The act of punching someone in the trans-scrotal-rectal area. Also known as the taint. Generally followed by a loud exclamation of surprise and/or pain from the recipient.
He was being a dick, so when he went up the ladder, I gave him the good old gunther punch.
by International Barfighter April 18, 2010
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She is that one teacher who you can't stand no matter what you do. She doesn't answer the question that you ask, she just repeats the question in a different way. When you ask for help, she lets out a long sigh and says in a mundane voice "yes?" And worst of all, she is an esser.
I fucking hate Mrs. Gunther. oh I'm sorry, I meant Mrsssssssss. gunttttthhhher
by I hate weaboos September 12, 2017
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A super cute Argentinean boy with shades of brown. Speaks multiple languages which makes the girls love him even more. But he's a mamas boy. But he's still a baddie with a fatty.
Look at his fatty! He must be a Gunther!
by Gunther's mumu December 11, 2021
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Gunther is a character from the very well known anime called Seven Deadly Sins
Gunther is the seggsyest man alive
by Yelenasimp February 27, 2021
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A larger light-skinned person, who is either annoying, disgusting or think they're something they ain't.
Dude, did you notice how strange John acted towards us today?
Yeah man, he's totally a Gunther.
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A large mysterious woman with ogre origins. Often snacks on colossal amounts of sweets.
Bro I was at the grocery store, and witnessed first hand a Gunther stocking up for a feast.
by Kbaby716 April 22, 2022
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