A wet, smelly, disgusting pussy fart. When a bitch farts out of her pussy and white fluids and piss come out at the same time. Thus resulting in a stinky wet mess. Enjoy.
-Dude, I was making it rain on this bitch at the strip club and the whore gooder'd all over my grill. My face is still stanky.
by The Pussymaster October 16, 2008
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An asswipe of a person who has to tell you all the time how much they recycle, how many mpg their Prius gets, Or how many baby seals, rainforests, indigineous tribes they have helped this week. They only do good to brag about the good they do
Guy 1: my new Prius gets 65 miles per gallon, isn't that amazing!?
Guy 2: neat
Guy 3: he only got the car to talk about it.
Guy 2: I know! He such a douche gooder
by RenoLuke December 15, 2012
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An earnest but often naïve person (typically educated and white) who wants reform through philanthropic or egalitarian means. e.g. wealth redistribution, social justice, welfare, third world immigration, adoption of "disadvantaged" children (usually non-white and from abroad), affirmative action and spending other peoples' money for good causes. See also white guilt. Do-gooders always mean well but may misinterpret opposing preferences to be racist, cold, intolerant or greedy. They genuinely want human development & positive environmental awareness, although the methods are a source of debate.

Do-Gooders can be either liberal/left or “social conservative” (as opposed to fiscal). For some, issues such as "ethnic diversity" & "multiculturalism" are a religious calling, but they generally don’t have the same burden for promoting it in countries apart from western ones - and don't feel that having a lack of ethnic diversity is a crime for any non-european countries (e.g. Japan). A few inherent contradictions may exist, such as the fact that literal "multiculturalism" would instead favor separation of ethnic or cultural groups to maintain “diversity”. Some subconsciously believe that decreasing the "european-descent" portion of the population pie is indicative of western progress.

Do-gooder methods do not always create the positive outcomes intended. The transfer of money from one group of people to another is usually the result.
"My aunt is always involved in some humanitarian project and she plans on adopting some foreign children. My boyfriend thinks she is a do-gooder

"I can't believe how many do-gooders there are in this town who voted for more spending!"
by mocktwinkie February 5, 2010
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Bradford county Redneck term for some thing that is better
My truck is more gooder than yours
by brian plemons October 25, 2007
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a person who frequently does selfless thing to the point of seeming slightly pretentious
Why do you have to be such a do-gooder?
by The Return of Light Joker August 4, 2009
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See bleeding heart liberal. Someone who thinks they are helping society by championing oppressed minority groups, when in fact they are ruining society and crippling free speech.
by con July 15, 2004
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A white liberal. Someone who knows what is best for everyone else, and devotes his life to shoving it down our throats.
Hillary Clinton is a do-gooder who wants to make us all pay for medical care for lazy bums who piss their lives away spray painting grafitti on other people's property.
by Joao Bufamarillo May 13, 2005
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