1) a contagious inabilty to shut the fuck up, which easily spreads among the listeners.
Much like the white noise of teenage fans at a pop concert or the adult fans at a sports concert, except this disease has no rhyme or reason and then it seemingly stops for no particular reason. Usually there is one of two stragglers who try to keep the conversation going but the other peers no longer care.
Oh, here he comes again. If he starts his verbal gonorrhea again, lets just leave. I don't want to participate in his social experiment!
by Ethereal Mercenary October 25, 2010
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A special type of conch, or conch sound, that is used when a bro or roommate is slaying a new bish. The sound is meant to signal to his fellow bros or roommates that he has christened the pussy of a new bish
During coitus: "GONORRHEA CONCH!!!!!!!"
Other bros: The deed is done.
by Schnick It To The Man May 16, 2017
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Gonorrhea II is another more lesser-known form of the infamous STD which has symptoms that manifest themselves in the following ways...
1. You throw up constantly and for no reason, as in even on an empty stomach.

2. You pass out every thirty minutes, and will most likely drown in incorrectly thrown-out shit (throw-up) unless some stupid-ass turns you on your stomach or is somehow able to waken you immediatly.

3. After at least a year of having the disease (if you're unlucky enough to live that long through all the constant upheavals) you begin to have terrible heaves when throwing up, because your body will be improperly trying to execute symptom #4.

4. But it will eventually execute it correctly, and you will begin to shit out all of your vital organs, starting with your spleen, and working its way up to your esophagus, and eventually to your windpipe. But you won't make it that long, as you will die seconds after shitting out your heart or lungs. Though it seems to be physically inopinable and totally medically untrue, it can and will happen to nearly a hundred Americans each month. Why only Americans? Because they're all wusses and sellouts and deserve such a gruesome form of dying.
by lazirus July 8, 2004
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1) A phrase uttered in angst when on the ultimate self-journey to discovering why you lack a boyfriend.

2) A mathematical equation that makes sense to a whore.

From a video that originated on tumblr and reached Youtube in June 2011.
It's a video basically doing crazy stuff that I think guys like in a girl, like being dumb and a slut... and a "good time." K? So this is just gonna be me doing crazy stuff. K. Cuz I don't have a boyfriend, so I've kind of been wondering what's wrong with me, besides the fact that I don't have any boobs. I'm a full package you guys, except without the package. No I'm just kidding. Ok, so it's gonna start now. (Now, say "Do you like me now?" x 1000, put on excessive makeup, make yourself incredibly moist, fluff up your hair, do a myspace pose, lift up your shirt, and party boy. Eventually you will want to say "What's 2+2? Gonorrhea.")
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Also known as “The Clap” because Eric Clapton gave it to RFK Jr.
I thought Eric Clapton’s nickname was “SlowHand”?
No. It’s “The Clap” because of gonorrhea.
by Anita Nap September 21, 2023
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draining the green ooze out your peepee
i got gonorrhea and now my peepee drains the green ooze.
by no12345678890 August 13, 2018
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