Thinking you are something you’re not.
Liam: Hey guys, I’ve decided to come out as Hank Hill-Kin.

Max: Kin as in. . . You think you are literally Hank Hill?

Liam: Yep.

Max: Wow okay, that’s. . . Uh. . . Really delusional.
by punkass May 23, 2018
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To hear or see things that are not real.
Person 1: Stop hitting the door!
Person 2: What?! I just closed the door
Person 1: Umm...You were hitting the door. I heard you!
Person 2: Wow! You are delusional, I didn't even do that!
by Wordzzzz0000 June 21, 2018
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Someone who is not thinking clearly, or thinks something will happen that, in all likelyhood, will not.
guy1: If we sacked Wenger we'd win the league Fam. Believe Blud.
guy2: Dude, you're fucking delusional. You'd finish 6th and bitch about utd at every opportunity. Change the record.
by Schube1983 May 24, 2017
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Julia.....Double chin girl that think she has musical talent and her muisical talent does exactly what her body ordor confuses the soul just like her father
Juliza is so delusional she believes she has skills but I wish she used the time pacticing taking showers
by El emortal May 18, 2018
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Believing something that is demonstrably untrue.
I choose to be happy right now.

Do you? Weren't you just talking about how you wanted to uproot you life and leave? Why didn't you just choose to be happy then instead of feeling that way?

Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. I guess I'm just a dumb, delusional, goblin-faced whore. The idea that I could just arbitrarily choose which emotions I feel is ridiculous. I should kill my kids and myself. I deserve it.

That's a good idea. I wish I had though of that. I'll share it on Facebook.
by Hym Iam December 7, 2020
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A seemingly intelligent individual whose perception of reality (i.e. value as a human being, ability as a parent or child, importance as a social and moral leader, skills as a lover) is so distorted that no amount of logic, reason, or compassionate pleading can sway them from supporting the Bush administration
My dad has become the king of the delusional cockbags without even trying.
by NumbaOneSon November 27, 2008
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