vaginal excretions in form of a disgusting fluid
You want to quit your girlfriend?
Just tell her that she has a terrible snatch cunk!
by Spunk-Master February 14, 2010
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When a man and a woman share a waffle in the morning topped with seamen.
Hey baby, do you want a cunk waffle?
by TheOutsider1783 February 10, 2021
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This is the place where the “little guys” come to chunk and hunk and gunk hahahahahaha
Cleve land Brown went to the Cunk bunker to chunk into his hunk clunker
by SharkbotJonesYT June 3, 2020
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When you take a PHAT NUT In your sister and it comes out like chunky milk so you suck it out and regurgitate it back into her mouth like a mama bird
Dude 1:bro I just had a chunky cunk in my sister

Dude 2: dude me too
by A guy that’s really stupid February 3, 2020
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A person who is annoying, and has a low level of intelligence.
Man one: "That man is such a silly cunk, I wish he would stop talking about his bloody feces."
Man two: "Indeed, he is a retard."
by William Rentes April 30, 2015
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The fetid, filmy substance yielded by vigorous copulation. Ingredients include sweat, male and/or female ejaculate, saliva, and anal and/or vaginal secretions.
Bro, I boned my woman so hard last night, we were swimming in cunk froth by the end.
by Dr Evil 518 September 11, 2010
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The hair between a particularly disgusting anus and vagina.
He had dingleberries and cunk hair in his mouth after administering cunnilingus to the old prostitute.
by jamm2011 May 29, 2014
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