The feeling one gets when they do something extremely stupid or embarrassing, like tripping in public.
-guy trips- "Damn man! Don't you feel Crunchy!"
by DanielDisastrous March 12, 2009
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A sock worn the morning after being used as a wank-mop.
Man I woke up this morning and puty my sock on, and discovered it was a crunchie.
by The Burt of Punta Dilla Shorts December 21, 2006
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Similar to the munchies, the crunchies are a specific craving for crunchy snacks such as potato chips, tortilla chips and corn nuts. Usually brought on by THC consumption.
Pete blazed up and before he knew it he had a the crunchies big time. As there were no chips in the house he had to settle for a bag of croutons.
by winchun April 29, 2010
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Infantrymen, engineers, clerks, and just about everyone else who doesn't ride in a tank. So named for the sound they make when they get their sorry selves run over.
Man, I'm telling you, if those damn crunchies don't get out of the way, I'm going to take the treads to every last one of them!
by Cat-Kill January 20, 2008
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an alternate term for the word "hippie."
a left leaning individual with communist tendencies.
Those damn linux-loving crunchies are bashing Microsoft again
by b-diddy June 21, 2003
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someone whos hair colour isnt blonde yet they act like it is
brown/black on the outside blonde on the inside
Vanessa: heya have you talked to tash
Jessie: no why?
Vanessa: she walked into a tree on sunday
Jessie: ouch..what a crunchie
by Clox May 18, 2007
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