Meaning a lie, what you say isn't entirely true, a bullshitter, something you say can be proven otherwise, etc.
Everything that Jimmie says is a "load of crock" you can't believe anything he says.
That sign we passed said Belview was 200 miles away. That was a "a load of crock."
by MillionWords January 30, 2017
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To hold in a fart for a very long time period, and when it is released it smells like a cooked fart.
Person 1: Ah man, that smells absolutely terrible.
Person 2: Yea i know, I've been crock pottin' that the entire plane ride.
by Toats McGoats August 27, 2009
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A Country Crock with my brother and sister is fun, but it's way more fun with mom and dad.
by horny_toad69 August 15, 2019
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Meaning “ok” or “cool” similar to the term “bet
“Dude you got that promotion you wanted? Chris crock!”


“You need some crud? Alright. Chris crock.”
by Chris crock 1 June 22, 2018
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More politely known as "a pile of poo", the term "a crock of shit" derives from an ancient Roman custom that coincidentally took place in Roman times. It referred literally to a pot into which people would excrete if they were particularly bored by whichever freelance philosoper happened to be talking rubbish at the time. The Roman empire employed crock-monitors who were each assigned to a philosopher, and it was their job to monitor the pot (or crock). Should the crock become full, it would be presented to the philospher, who was obliged, by law, to announce that it bore a remarkable resembence to himself, thus proclaiming he was full of crap and was, in fact, talking a crock of shit.
"I am talking a crock of shit", Socretes 429 BC
by Nigel Hill September 13, 2005
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Taking a dump in a crock pot and letting it bake until some unexpecting individual opens it and releases the aroma of baked turd.
Kara and Caleb left me a key to their house while they're on vacation, I'm thinking about crock potting in the kitchen so they have a nice welcome home surprise.
by f5sledneck06 August 31, 2016
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See crock of shit.

Term which implies something is ridiculous/not very good.
"St. Anger? What a crock of shite."
by Kelly December 23, 2004
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