
Roll up your windows so we can bake.
by Dustin January 11, 2003
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common slang in ireland for the word 'mouth'. mostly used as part of an insulting sentence. comes from the word 'beek', like a pigeon's beek. could also be prounounced 'baik'
'here, mate, i'll do your knees in'

'shut you your bake'
by Mark the Shark May 21, 2004
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to apply a full face of makeup.
first let me bake my face
by julianaa February 22, 2017
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Yoooo i was over dat smut bitch crib last nite.
Did u bake nigga?
What u think she a whore. lol
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bake it

To not excrete bowel movement even though the body signals the need to do so.
Hurry up and get out of that shitter. I'm bustin to go.
Piss off! You're just gonna have to bake it.
by yorrick hunt January 5, 2008
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high as fuck...nuder inluence of WEED...high in the sky
i got baked today with my firedn, i almost passed out
by pothead August 7, 2003
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