the most perfect fictional character ever created. guaranteed to make all sexualities wet. only exists in the fictional world of Anne of Green Gables, a book series.
"OMG, he's soo cute, smart and kind."
"Ugh he is such a Gilbert Blyther."
by ap011osKID September 25, 2018
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Sexy ass blonde texan with the nicest ass ever created on a womans body
by BRAD October 19, 2004
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just like a regular turnover in hockey where you "accidentally" pass the puck to the other team. however, this term is commonly used to describe the plug on the team who got a turnover. this guy is usually the one who acts like a bitch.
by lunar sauce May 17, 2011
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Blythe (pronounced blaɪθ).

A 28cm doll with a disproportionately large head created by US designer Allison Katzman in the 1970s. After creating her doll Katzman began taking Blythe everywhere with her and photographing Blythe's every move. In 2002 Katzman released a book of photos of Blythe with Chronicle Books entitled 'This is Blythe'.

The popularity of Blythe has continued to spread and now, on the official Blythe website, it's possible to buy your Blythe different dresses, shoes, furniture, change their hair and even eyes. There are tons of books filled with odd and amazing photographs of these little movers and shakers. Many people dedicate hours of time styling and creating their Blythe dolls for the chance to show them off at Blythe festivals and on Blythe websites. With most people wanting to create a miniature likeness of themselves, there has been demand for both male and female Blythe dolls. People have even repainted their Blythe to change them to another ethnicity.
Blythe dolls have been described as miniature Christina Ricci dolls. One look at them and you'll know why.
by Carrington Lives February 9, 2009
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1)The 41st President Of The United States.
2)Also the first traitor to be knowingly elected President. (He protested against his country in a foriegn land in a time of war, in case you didn't know that. Oh, and he was a true draft evader.) His two terms can be summed up as this: Other than signing NAFTA, and having numerous folks nearby him die of suspicious causes he accomplished nothing. Unless you are amoung the masses who thought that having him defile the Oval Office is a pretty good thing.
Although touted by the liberal masses as the "end all-be all" of American presidents, William Jefferson Blythe Clinton didn't do much leading as he was contolled by the polls-and he had an asprin factory bombed-just for a little diversion.
by Tiberius1701 August 23, 2006
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Sara: Hey, you know Blythe?
Friend: Yes, what about him?
Sara: He has a tiny penis. Like it’s smaller than a baby carrot.

Friend: Damn!
by Cdreed June 25, 2018
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