Otherwise known as "the snuff", Lovingly fuck the shit out of your virgin or ragging girlfriend and wipe your bloody member across her face. Take a couple Polaroids, show them to your friends, and brag that you're a snuff film superstar.
by Chester January 11, 2005
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tuh git punched in tha face;; beat up
mark gawt snuffed yesterday by that kid down the street
by XXlEXBaNGXX February 29, 2008
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To put out, to deny.
You just snuffed that dude!!
You got snuffed..
I am going to snuff you
by Smythe February 28, 2003
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To die, kill, die out, etc.
I really want Diane to snuff it.
by Kaytee December 4, 2003
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An unfortunate inability to return home after a night out without a munter in tow. One who bears the snuff burden is liable to copulate with the ugliest, fattest, most vile women under the dillusion that they are mildly attractive.
Did you see that bird he got off with last night? He was definitely under the snuff burden.
by Andrew Peacock January 24, 2007
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Pig Snuff a genre of snuff films in which a police officer murders someone on camera. The police typically face no consequences for these actions in many countries, and are often available for free on sites like YouTube, and even mainstream news websites without having to deal with problems like "the deep web" or the shady world of VHS collectors. Generally considered to be the worst genre of snuff films by hardcore collectors.
A: Did you hear what happened our old homie we grew up with?
B: Yeah, I heard he was killed by the police at a routine traffic stop. It's tragic.
A: It's worse than that dawg, they got a whole ass Pig Snuff film of it uncensored and leaked on YouTube. They're saying they can't use it in court cuz it was leaked.
B: Damn dude, guess that pig tryna become a slab a bacon? No cap
by CorpseGrinder5000Returns January 17, 2021
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well its pretty much the same Fair Enough, but its Fairy Snuff.
Girl: Hey! what you been up to?
Girl 2:Helloooo, uh, nothing much.
Girl: ah fairy snuff!
by yellowelephants November 7, 2009
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