Something you just got from reading this definition.
"Man, those gave me some big wood." ~Your dad, on looking over his old Playboys
by Dohayecarumbadoh April 23, 2011
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What George Bush offered John Kerry a cut of
. . . Need some wood? . . .
by RHS Student October 15, 2004
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more of an idea or a concept than a specific definition. Wood is that which is brought, thrown, delivered, lain or otherwise conveyed to members of the female gender. Many have claimed to bring the wood, or perport to bring the wood on certain ocasions. Persons who falsely contend that they are pervayers of wood are individuals of the lowest caliber. see chotch
you bringin' the wood tonight? Its already been broughten!
by Taft Cardigan June 28, 2003
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When knocking on wood doesn’t provide enough good luck for your situation, so you smack your dick (when erect) against the tree to ensure even more good luck.
Person 1: Yeah I think I did pretty good on that test, knock on wood

Person 2: idk dude, you better do wood on wood to make sure.
by Screw-It-I'm-Out June 6, 2021
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When you are lonely, and cannot find a lover to caress your heavy package, you will find yourself laying your sack of gold, on the corner of a desk, or wooden surface.
As Jerry realized he would never find a lover, he did some good old fashioned wood on wood.
by Horny bus driver December 22, 2015
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A underrated music artist that has released three albums since 2015 and two remasters of his old two albums. Some of his most famous songs are Dr. Sunshine is Dead, Love, me normally, and 6up 5oh Cop-Out (Pro/Con). He has a band he calls “the tapeworms” and even used to be branded as Will Wood and the Tapeworms.

He has a movie on Amazon Prime called “The Real Will Wood” where he goes on about his life and how he got to where he is today, plus songs in the studio.

Will Wood also had a canceled ARG about a fake university called Marybell University, and it even has its own fake website, acting like a real university.
Person A: have you heard of The Normal Album by Will Wood?

Person B: yeah, i liked Suburbia Overtune the best.
by Millie roles a 7 February 15, 2021
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Lost or confused. Unable to see the forest for the trees. Given that golfers try to avoid the wooded parts of a golf course, this adds irony to the phrase when used in reference to Tiger Woods.
His affair was going great but then his wife found out and now he's in the woods
by Havan_IronOak May 20, 2011
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