When you use the tears of someone as lube to masturbate with.

The best lube to improve your mood!
I broke up with Sarah and she started to cry, quickly I gathered her tears for a sorrow fap.
by M1khale June 10, 2016
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When you're really depressed and you start to cry and fap at the same time, and you continue to fap even though you're crying.
I was really sad one night so I started looking at porn and was beginning to start sorrow-fapping till my girlfriend came in the room.
by PsudoWoodle October 21, 2017
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to handle your problems by consuming a substantial quantity of alcohol
Man, so he left you because he was "too busy" and one week later he's dating someone else? Listen, forget him. Let's get you out to a bar to drown your sorrows.
by soberlion May 6, 2011
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A female that has pointy tits pointing down. The suffix 'of Sorrow' relates the the tits pointing down to Hell and eternal sorrow.
In the movie Alexander, that chick that Colin Farrell has sex with has Pointed Tits of Sorrow.
by _Aydin_ January 25, 2009
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The most emo name for a symphonic death metal band. Ever.
Eternal Tears of Sorry is abbreviated as EToS.

Eternal Tears of Sorrow has a gay name, but they're good anyway.
by Shagrath May 13, 2006
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To smoke enough cannabis to forget about your problems.
Hey you going to the bar after the funeral? No I’ve got a big fat bowl waiting for me to cloud my sorrows.
by Alexander Allen July 6, 2021
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