The act of completely obliterating someone's previous statement by saying the word 'ok'. Even more effective than similar, 'Cool Story Bro'.
Them: "Hey dude.. I just got back from the mall with Lisa. She was super fun to hang out with, and she's exactly like me in every way you can think of."

You: "Ok."

Them: "I love you."

You: "Ok."

by getquinnedfoo May 4, 2011
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A program that upon execution will reproduce its own source code.
Look at my elite perl quine!
by basicer August 6, 2004
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verb, to distort beyond recognition.
Origin: In philosophy "to Quine" used to deny existence of entities that cannot be individuated or identified (after ontological methodology of W.V.Quine).
"I'll Quine your face!"
by hermans May 26, 2007
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To live a rich lifestyle (see gangnam style) funded by claims of oppression on social media enabled by crowdfunding.
Person 1: "Another new car? And more new purple hair dye?"
Person 2: "Yes, I am totally quinning."
by notyourordinarynomdeplume October 5, 2018
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To injure oneself in 5-a-side football (soccer) whilst under no pressure from the opposing team.
I Quinned my ankle yesterday, won't be able to play for a few weeks.
by A Whitby Wanderer March 4, 2011
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Something that is just a little off, or outta place.
Someone that needs to get off tha gas.
-Charlie Sheen is quin.
-That girl got 4 different baby daddy's but only 3 kids, that's quin.
by dfkgjhklsdck March 30, 2011
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hottest boy in 8th grade and he will make you cum by looking at you and he is very athletic. he plays soccer and is very good.
girls: damn quin your so hot I want you to be my daddy
by you will never know me12 November 5, 2016
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