A group of homies who have each others back.
This Kagiso dude is bad news, he'll lick your posse
by TheKaiser November 7, 2007
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A mispelling of 'boss'
"Yo, these altoids are poss."
"Wtf did you just say?"
"I...don't know ;.;"
by Alex August 20, 2003
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your group of friends often referred to as those cool marching band kids that sit together on the bus.
"I love you posse!" said Emily on the way to a football game
by Ryan the band geek August 23, 2006
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Consists of the largest players at crosssraods:Gianni.G Nick Melon, Nick.M, Henry.L and Madison. R, Current honary membors are Justin Bright
Yo th posse was bumpin da ladies yesta day.
Yo them homies is Ill dogg!
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A high possibility. One can infer that something that is described as a 'deep poss' has a good chance of happening. The depth of the poss can be further described to more precisely detail the chance that something is going to happen. Many senses can be involved here and generally more comforting descriptions elucidate a deeper poss. A deep warm poss, for example, is comforting and therefore likely to occur.

ANTONYM: Shallow poss
Person 1 - "Bonkwoggling tonight anyone?"

Person 2 - "That is a deep poss"
by WildFerg April 28, 2014
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A posse, usually small, that epicly fails at life and is stupid.
Let's get out of here! Greg is here with his ass posse and all they do is fuck around with their dicks!
by Nubnubs December 3, 2010
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{noun; Rah-see pa-see}

A group of folks who are fond of drinking Carlos Rossi wine, a cheap ass brand of wine found in gallon sized jugs. Carlos Rossi wine is exceptionally nasty and tastes like concentrated ass.
Tim and Andy used to be a part of the the Rossi Posse until they're teeth got all stained purple from drinking too much.
by jrubadub September 16, 2010
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