Despite his best efforts to elucidate the math problem to his friend, his friend still did not understand it.
by 1210k April 8, 2015
Juan: You remember that night with Maria when she did those things...
Enrique: Nah, could you elucidate?
Juan: tato.
Enrique: Nah, could you elucidate?
Juan: tato.
by Chulo August 16, 2004
To explain a concept for a deeper understanding. To make a definition of a concept clear by explaining in a more simple way.
by Professorold February 14, 2023
An ironic statement that means avoid ambiguity and adopt clarity. It's ironic because it is hypocritical.
Instead of saying eschew obfuscation, espouse elucidation, Mary just told us to avoid confusion and be clear.
by Alicat III November 5, 2009
“Jackson and Jeff were talking about that triscuit game for so long, no thank you for the jizzification elucidation.
by thisisnterinplease October 25, 2022