Phrase used by the police to describe a criminal type who is often drug dependant, intoxicated, unemployable, lacks common sense and dignity, unwashed, wears Burberry clothing, white baseball cap, wears a tracksuit to court, wears pyjamas to walk down the street, talks in a whiney voice.
Stupid Mongs. If they were bright we wouldn't catch them
by Tapir Envy April 24, 2018
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one from random asian descent, or pacific island.
appears to be metro, listens to dipset.
mike buckley is a mong, no homo
by bad nigga June 18, 2006
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Peace loving peopl. Freedom lover. Kind and caring. Just and fair. Mong people can be found in China, Thailand, Laos, Myamar, Vietnam, Canada, USA, France, French Guyana,Australia, Germany nad Argentina. Their current popualtion is estimate to be about 8 million world wide.
by Anonymous August 9, 2003
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yorkshire slang for a dirty peson who lives in his own thith
nicky your a f*****g mong get a wash
by dave February 15, 2005
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an extremely disgusting activity in which you rape someone to death, then fill their body up with your semen by continuously raping them, even though they are dead. Then, you jump on their stomach to make the semen squirt out of their pussy.
Bitch, if you don't stop whining, Im going to mong you.
by anonymous April 2, 2005
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