Children who used too much oil on their self and got thownninto a room with more oily children and became the oily buch
Person1: I am glad im not a oily children

Person2: Guess what

Person1: What

Person2: ur oily
by Bitchy bob May 19, 2021
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A cockney rhyming word for slag created by many people from a small village in Suffolk one name of these people os Glen!
Q: Is she yor girlfriend
A: No she be my oily wrag innit!
by Hundon Gal! February 11, 2006
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The fully erect and lubed up genitalia of a male over the age of 60.
Gavin: "Margret you ready, I've already got an Oily Tortoise"
by TwittyTwot February 10, 2017
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to describe someone as being fat anfd oily

adjective just being fat basically
1. wow dana is a mad oily eff
by mavske August 28, 2009
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A person from south-east Asia living in a Western country who keeps his dark oil well-oiled or uses so much gel that it looks oily and also uses bodily oils such as coconut oil that the person has a soft shiny look.
Oh man, I went to the Bay Area Indian event and there were tons of oily desis there.
by Desi Bugger August 18, 2018
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when your partner or "partners" oil you up and cover your genitals in chicken seasoning then they procede to "tenderize" preferably with a free hand then when "the chicken" is nice and tender you finish with oral taking in the lovely chicken flavor. "oh and look his cum tastes like gravy" girl gave me an oily chicken last night

my is that don't wanna know
by Darktimes February 9, 2021
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sara noticed john's oily breadsticks when he ejacluted after sexual intercourse.
by Anosymnopion April 21, 2017
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