fat dick

The act of fucking someone over; The act of pulling a 'fast one'.
That girl said she'd meet me at Thirsty Bear, but she gave me the fat dick and didn't show up.
by E ~ Dub November 6, 2008
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fat dick

To screw someone over by not showing up or calling when plans have been made.
Well, Jasper is 30 minutes late. Looks like he fat dicked us once again...
by Asa Guy August 12, 2007
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fat dick

Ironically, this refers to the launch equipment used in Goatsex.
I used a fat dick to have Goatsex with Seabiscut.
by Joey Orgler October 21, 2007
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Fat dick

Just a fat dick is there more to explain
He had a fat dick
by Daddybiscuit42 August 30, 2017
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Fat Dick

Something you dont have
You dont have a Fat Dick
by ILoveNagger June 16, 2020
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fat dick spirit

It’s almost big dick energy but just the right amount of wrong. For example, when you won a Kanye West look a like contest or you’re really successful at a really shitty thing.
He: Did you hear about Ben maxing out his loyalty punch card at the casino?

Her: Yeah, he’s got that fat dick spirit.
by Fatdickspiritenergy January 13, 2019
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fat dick em

Yoongi Aka Suga From Bts
Guy 1: Man that guy playing basketball knows how to fat dick em’

Guy 2: Wtf are you talking about thats Suga
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