I love Andreas.
damn, this guy is off!
by rena July 26, 2004
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Angry, offended, iratated.
Jimmy got offs when Jeremy cummed in his ass.
by Anonymous November 10, 2003
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The"offs": When you're not really hungover, but not quite lucid. Just sort of off-center.
It took me an hour to write this example because I have the offs.
by Grebenshikov May 19, 2007
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A drinking game that plays as follows:
3 players and up

-A 2 player game is selected (ex. NHL, Madden, Mortal Kombat)
-The game is played
-Losers drinks the amount of points/touchdowns/etc. they've lost by (ex. 5-3 loss, drink 2 shots)
-The controller stays with the winner, the loser passes the controller
-Tournament finals may double the ante - 2 shots per lost point.

Guaranteed to get you hammered and you'll even have fun doing it.

Ages 3 and up.
"You think you're better at NHL than me? It's time for a Lose Off Booze Off"

"I was gonna come to church today, but I had a Lose Off Booze Off last night."

"How did I wind up in the hospital? I lost 11-2 in the Lose Off Booze Off finals."
by bodiddles March 30, 2015
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When numerous persons with the name of Jack gather and compete over who can pleasure themselves the best, most efficiently, or fastest. Any other competition parameter works under this term, but it must pertain to multiple Jacks masturbating.
"Hey homie, did you attend the Jack jack off off last night?"

"Yeah man! Jack was on fire, but other Jack finished in record time. I couldn't believe my eyes!"
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When a person take their entire academic or work day to jack-off.
I took the day off to J off cause he saw some hot Mudkip rule 34 on 4chan.
by Eric Bloom October 25, 2007
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Is originally a show from Fuse but is usually used as a way to explain an event thats so awesome it makes you want to take your pants off and dance to the occasion. Thus, "pants off dance off".

Example 2. Michael's concert is going to be a real pants off dance off.
by Fun on a bun July 25, 2006
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