7 definitions by rena


"it tryin to holla at that hilwa right there"
by rena December 10, 2003
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to be stoned off marijuana
by rena May 6, 2005
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dry bumpin

when you're hooking up with a guy and you can't get wet because it is THAT BAD
We couldn't have sex, only dry bumpin
by rena March 27, 2015
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a bitch in arabic and also means a smut. that be everywhere and always out like a "tashasha"
that sharmoota likes everyone and is always with a new guy everyday"
by rena December 10, 2003
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A busty female about 5'2. Usually has dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes.
"Rena you're name doesnt rhyme with anything so we're going to call you Renis."
"You know what? Rena is a boring name, from now on you are Renis."
by rena March 11, 2005
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I love Andreas.
damn, this guy is off!
by rena July 26, 2004
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Dodge like Kerok

To dodge every single attack or projectile that has been directed towards you.
* Demamas attacks Rena with A GIANT FLAMING SPATULA
* Rena dodges like Kerok.
by rena December 30, 2004
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