Prospective members of the gang are expected to walk between two lines of group members, while they are punched and kicked repeatedly. The prospective members are expected to walk to the end of the line on their feet. If they fall, they must start over, usually on another day, when the injuries have healed.
Did they make you do the line or u jus get jumpd in?
by some polak November 23, 2004
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When a man jizzes into the nostril of another person and covers their mouth so the person is forced to snort in the semen, as if snorting cocaine.
Dude, Last night I gave nicole the line.
by ballsdeepinmine April 21, 2009
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A means of contacting or getting ahold of someone
"Wut up, you gotta line on Omar?"
by jfz October 19, 2006
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a series of skateboard tricks done in a row.
yo..dude did u see that line
by bob January 13, 2005
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One word sentence to show that someone has, metaphorically speaking "crossed the line". An indication that someone has gone too far with what they are saying.
Person 1: Yo mama so fat she ate 2 chickens
Person 2: Yo mama so fat she ate the whole world
Person 1: Line.

by Who cares? November 21, 2006
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to put a line through another person's graffiti....usually frowned upon in graffiti culture and done mostly by pikey graff headz
by ruda August 6, 2003
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