KFC is a fast food chain founded by a fat guy named Colonel Sanders owned by PepsiCo. KFC is a place with many stereotypes including the place were many black people go and eat fried chicken and mash potatoes, also KFC is a possible acronym for Killing Fucking Coons stated by Angry Black man aka Siggas a popular you tuber known for his angry black man act.
Jay: So I went to KFC and Taniqu came up to me and beat me and stole my fried chicken.
John: Holy shit!
by MerkyMerkina October 2, 2011
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Mathematically, this is incorrect.
But for the sake of humor and for you 8th graders:

KFC is one letter away from FUCK. All it's missing is U! - comedy fest 2005
by tourettesGUY June 3, 2006
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a nigger meal, commonly paired with watermelon and kool aid
nigger: yo so me an my homeez eatn sum kfc yu kno wha m sayin

translation: My friends and I are indulging in the consumption of a crispy chicken snack.
by lnfernus June 30, 2019
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A place where the hood comes to discuss/argue about everything from basketball to divorces
by Chris the wiz knows all May 25, 2016
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Ivan: I had such a good KFC tonight🤤
Dimitur: SUS
by Guy, who likes KFC March 22, 2021
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School Boy 1: AHH!! Its the KFC man!
School Boy 2: Run for the shelter of the american education system! GAAH!!!
by USSR December 13, 2003
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-Hey babe let's go to KFC

~Kentucky Fried Chicken?
-No! Kiss cuddle and fuck!
by Hotchicks115 September 18, 2015
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