Noun: A person who pretends to be jewish; a Jewish "wannabe".
"Sydney, don't be a zayin, ya know what I'm sayin'."
"Ian, you are such a jigger."
by Drury Lane August 26, 2006
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Jigger When a person is both Jewish and a Ni***r.
1. Wow. That guy just stole my penny. What a Jigger
2. Drake is a Jigger.
by Vipce November 4, 2015
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A generic noun that can be used to describe any other noun
Billy "Hey, look at that jigger there"
Larry "That sure is a fancy mailbox..."
Billy "How much for that jigger over there?
Sales Clerk "$50 sir."
Billy "Ah... what about this jigger here?"
by That Hick November 27, 2009
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Having the esscence of a JIG.
Look at that JIGGER. He's just like Javi with all that butt fucking.
by Matt Lynn Dunn June 19, 2003
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a homie who does the Irish Jig
"Hey Homie, you look like a real Irish Jigger."
by Anonymous June 11, 2003
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One who skips school or other related activities, commonly used in the Maritime Provinces of Canada.
Cody is such a jigger, i haven't seen him yet this month in school.
by ModHaxor November 10, 2008
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A word that means nothing and yet, everything.
It can be used in almost any sentence, as a verb, or adjective, or pronoun, or noun. Almost every word can be switched out for Jigger, or a form of Jigger.

If it made sense.
"I was walking down the street and I saw this Jigger!"

"I'm going to my Jigger, what are you doing?"
by Omg... MARMALADE November 15, 2009
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