n. derived from morphine, a powerful and highly addictive, bitter white powder narcotic, C21H28NO5.It's manufacturing, import and distribution is currently prohibited in the United States.
Heroin makes me very claustrophobic and paranoid. Almost like I was scared of everyone. Needless to say it was a bad experience.
by greedy tompkins July 22, 2004
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1.A female hero
2.The From First to Last album that is out March 21, 2006!
1. Laura is a real heroine.
2. From First to Last's new album, Heroine, is really great.
by Billie Goat March 23, 2006
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Potent opiate narcotic with a narrow therapeutic index (i.e., difference between an effective dose and a lethal dose is small). Side effects include narcosis, respiratory depression.
Heroin is not a suitable substitute for morphine.
by Marty October 22, 2003
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A pleasant narcotic. Bit moreish, though.
Some people seem to find that it's so pleasing to take heroin they take it again, not unlike how one would take another chocolate from the box. With heroin, however, one usually becomes thinner rather than 'chocolate fat'

"I just couldn't help myself..."
by dodgyfridge June 23, 2006
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God's own medicine and no doubt about it. The previous definer who said it "sits alone atop the drug tree" was right on. If it were legalized in the US, property crimes would plummet.
Heroin is derived from opium and described as follows:

by Straight Shooter September 27, 2007
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Probably the most misinterpreted psychotropic substance ever. Has got the reputation of being highly harmful, both to body and mind, while in fact quite the opposite seems to be true: Research shows that heroin has practically no cytotoxic effects - in other words, it neither kills brain cells nor harms any other organs - and it’s addiction potential is not higher than any other drug’s you feel like getting addicted to. Even its physical withdrawal symptoms are said to be moderate compared to, lets say, those of an alcohol-benzodiazepine withdrawal. Of course there’s the undeniable risk of an o.d. and the risks that come with cut H and shared needles and stuff. But most of them are at least as due to the side effects of illegalization as they are to the actual properties of this substance.
´Heroin generally does not cause malnutrition, moral-collapse, or sickness. Death by overdose is possible but not that common, thanks to the wide safety margin between a therapeutic and a lethal dose.

One thing causes heroin related illnesses, crime and death: the black market`

by John Bender 59 June 19, 2011
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1. Quite possibly the worst and most addictive drug in the universe. The original way to cop it is via hyperdermic needles. Dirty needles can also give you some terrible diseases, including AIDS. It can also be snorted and then there's Mexican tar, which is smoked and can stop your heart in under 30 seconds. Either method can give you a quick "rush" but when it wears off you are really DOWN and you crash real hard.

2. In the 60s the Velvet Underground wrote a song called "Heroin". The pace and tempo of the music speeds up as Lou Reed sings the words describing the rush: smack gets into the veins, I feel like Jesus' son, etc. Then the electric viola puts out a slow drone and Lou stretches out the chorus words to similate the downful drag that comes after the fix wears off. At the last verse the electric guitar and electric viola rev it up in an onslaught and the drummer pounds the skins rapidly to emulate a junkie's pulse while on the fix again. Of course, this rapid increase in music playing, among other aspects of this song) became one of many inspirations for what would later be referred to as punk rock.
1. Richard from Reno, Nevada turned himself for detox treatment in Northern California. His IV use of heroin caused the veins in both his arms to collapse, making them solid purple. They looked like a massive bad tattoo botch job.

2. Heeeehhhh-ro-o-o-innn
It's my life
And it's my wife
It's going to be the death of me!


3. Geoff Tate of Queensryche described the motive behind the writing of "The Needle Lies". He said he never touched that smack but he knew some people who have. He said, "It's shit".

4. One time I was surfing the Net and I came upon a strange website. It detailed about how the Taliban cultivates opium, from which heroin is derived. The pagemaster exhorted junkies to be "patriotic" and quit buying horse from the Afghanistan region and to buy and use Mexican tar heroin only. (!). No shit. I ain't kidding. Can you believe it?!
by I Saw U2 Live Twice July 24, 2009
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