used in da dirty south west of da uk, anova word for blow or weed.
mayne u got ne helmet on you this niga needs a blow!
by G from B April 16, 2008
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a descriptive word used for a certain marijuana whos effects are so powerful that when after smoking an actual protective helmet is required to perform routine activities so one does not seriously injure his or her self
"Hey Willie would you like to go smoke this helmet with me?"

"Yo son hit this hemlmet."

by double digits 70 April 1, 2009
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the head of a penis also used to refer to those who are considered dorks, losers, nerds, or simply those who never get tail
Man, that dude's such a f****n helmet!
by giblets January 13, 2004
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(verb): To insert one's head into a sex partner's anus, as if wearing them like a helmet. Requires surgical removal of the receiver's sphincter.
Bob was not happy to learn he would have to wear adult diapers for the rest of his life following the procedure that would allow Janice to helmet him.
by C. U. Farley May 22, 2008
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she gave me helmet on the first day she knew how to blow instruments in a good way
by Niceemcee January 20, 2004
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As a Steeler fan, I'm breathing a sigh of relief to know that Ben is ok, but if he would have worn a damn helmet, he wouldn't have so many facial injuries
by Ben's Helmets June 21, 2006
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A person who simply sucks at life. Just awful, a complete load that should have been swallowed. Some kid who's not even in a cool Fraternity and is just terrible to be around.
Ugghhh, that kid is such a f***ing helmet. see also lemon
by John McShane October 5, 2004
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