Comes from the movie Scarface, where Cubans pronounce the word "man" as "mayne".
You chicken almost made it.

Hey, hey, hey, FUCK YOU MAYNE...who put this thing together? Me, that's who.
by asd September 2, 2004
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Mayne is a Southern term used the same as sayin 'man.' Its in alot of Crunk Songs.
'Yea mayne' or 'What up mayne'
by Shae September 2, 2004
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Regional pronunciation of the noun "man," often in the American South -- though it appears frequently in Chicago blues music, and particularly in the songs of Muddy Waters, where this pronunciation can be clearly heard.
I'm a mayne!
A full-grown mayne!
I'm a lovin' mayne!
-- Muddy Waters, "Mannish Boy"
by Mel Sharkskin June 8, 2006
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Mayne is NOT a synonym for man. It is southern dialect slang way to PRONOUNCE man. You won't see it spelled "mayne" by the people who talk that way... except maybe in written lyrics or dialogue (such as in fiction) or for emplasis. Other than that, why would anyone go to the trouble to write a word that's almost twice as long as the correct one and not as widely understood?
I could call you my main mayne and it might sound clever in a movie but makes no sense in print.
by Osun's Village June 8, 2006
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For further homophones, please refer to 'Mang', 'Main' and/or 'Mane'; please note, however, an exception is made for the great State of Maine, known for its beaches and lobsters, as well as its general lack of cuban cocaine cartel leaders.
'Sup Mayne!? (Followed closely by a hand slap, pound, dap or other acceptable hand gesture)
by Treed June 8, 2006
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hey i hooked up with this girl the other night..

oh mayne..
by skebonyman October 1, 2010
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