used to describe the feeling after you are dissed or insulted harshly, especially when the insult comes from a lame or nerdy person.
Andrew (screaming): THATS NOT FAIR
Math teacher: Are you always like this?
Andrew: ummmm yes.
Math teacher: i feel sorry for your mother.
Other students at the table: FRIED!!!!!
by dcdudeclonmu May 20, 2011
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mad ugly
really blk
OMGosh that girl i saw in the mall was soo fried.
I heard that new boy in our school is fried
by Ladii Reese March 1, 2007
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when something or someone is so hot that it becomes fried.
"Angie, look at that dude over ther. Hes wicked hot!"
"Sister please, he is so hot that he is fried!"

"Hey Jana, did you hear that new Estell track? It's freakin fried!"
by Jana617 May 13, 2008
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Fries is most always just plainly a term used to describe a moose.
wow! look at that fries!
by Lyn Metzanielizi September 4, 2006
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Description of a person with very ashy skin or has been in the sun all day and has dark tan and look extremely different.

Person 1has been in the sun for 7 hours straight:sup dude

Guy:dude! Ur fried!

Scene 2:

Person 2doesn't kno wut lotion iz:dude!

Guy:ur fried!
by tha king 4w747wgagp09 July 15, 2008
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"Yo Keisha's new man is fried."
by Alicia January 25, 2005
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