3 definitions by dcdudeclonmu

used to describe the feeling after you are dissed or insulted harshly, especially when the insult comes from a lame or nerdy person.
Andrew (screaming): THATS NOT FAIR
Math teacher: Are you always like this?
Andrew: ummmm yes.
Math teacher: i feel sorry for your mother.
Other students at the table: FRIED!!!!!
by dcdudeclonmu May 20, 2011
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Used like "winky face" to show that something is boring, not interesting, or unoriginal. Opposite of ravin
Noah: We all made pots in pottery class today. Quinn's pot was so boring!
Cecily: Yeah it was such a yawnface.
by dcdudeclonmu April 14, 2011
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used to express agreement, like true, but much cooler and expresses more emotion.
Person A: "He looks really dumb doing cartwheels"
Person B: "OH TARUE!!!"
by dcdudeclonmu February 8, 2011
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