The original name of 2016 Presidential candidate Donald Trump;
An expression of distasteful or unpleasant feeling.
Not only did it pour when I went out side this morning, but then some guy cut tailgated me all the way to work. Drumpf.
by Mistress Evil March 2, 2016
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Old German word meaning Trump Card. It was commonly used by Hitlers higher echelon to describe seemingly well thought out military tactics
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain will be our slogan, it will be our Drumpf.
by Magnitha March 13, 2016
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Someone so infatuated with the fake wealth and prestige of a pathological liar that s/he routinely bends over to inhale the liar's many drumpfs.
KellyAnne almost fainted, but said she was fine, just took in too many drumpfs this morning. I had no idea she was such a drumpf eater.
by ciabrat January 27, 2017
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a man who has many casual sexual partners
God, Brian is such a drumpf! I don't understand why he won't settle down for just me. It's like he wants to get drumpf-shamed.
by chickenwolf January 26, 2018
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John Oliver indicated that Drumpf is Trump's ancestral name. Oliver proposed the nation therefore call him Donald Drumpf, especially since Trump doesn't like immigrants.
by Ereck Flowers June 29, 2016
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n. A nut-sack comb over. Where one's scrotum is lacking in hair, but the thighs are exceptionally hairy so you comb your thigh hair over your scrote so you don't look like you have a 12 year old's package.
"Nancy, when I pulled down his pants he had a Donald Drumpf going on down there. I parted the hair sea and licked his bald marble purse."
by NATIVE HULK February 29, 2016
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The true name of the genius himself, Donald Trump.
Dude1: "Hey man! Are yoi voting for Donald Trump?"
Dude2: "No, I'm voting for Donald Drumpf!"
by John Smith 69 May 2, 2016
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