Detroit - noun
1. A city in southeast Michigan where the weak are killed and eaten.
Person1: Hey I'm headed to St. Andrews Hall this friday, wanna come?
Person2: In the heart of Detroit? Helll no i ain't gonna get shot.
by asfl;kdfskl4 July 26, 2008
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The number 1 best place for a black in the United States to start a business.
Too many white people have too negative a view of Detroit.
by guided fox February 22, 2005
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Where the weak are killed and eaten.
Clyde: Have you been to Detroit?
Joe: Heavens no! Detroit is where the weak are killed and eaten!
by KaraBoBera January 30, 2009
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One of da best damn city in the whole fuckin world baby. You don't know about it unless you been here. holla back
by sexy 007 August 6, 2005
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This is a very large, very ghetto city in Michigan where you will find a lot of baby mommas.
Well, here I am in Detroit! Hey there, baby momma!
by I'm Not A Lib February 9, 2005
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The ghettoest & poorest city in America, & probably the most dangerous. A great city to visit if you want to die. The smell of the nasty sewers will want to throw up, since they are barely cleaned. The people are so ghetto they take baths with fire hydrants. The lake is so nasty it turns green like mold & dead fish start appearing out of no where. The Pistons suck so bad nobody even cares about them. Detroit is the place to go if you want to die, all you have to do is wear some nice shoes or necklaces or even bracelets & you'll get hit up with bullets pretty quick. The weather is so crappy it makes you want to roll up in a ball a & hibernate for 6 months.
Ken - "Look at my new Jordan's"
Jim - "Bro don't walk outside with those shoes you will certainly get shot. You know how Detroit is.
by keviimanii December 23, 2014
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the best place in the world to find homeless, pregnant unwed teens, dead bodies, police tape, drugs, and gangs, although there is also "good" parts in Detroit it still is mostly ghetto
Detroit is pretty crappy depending on where you are
by Pop not soda August 9, 2017
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