A man named Captain Hook who likes to take his shirt off in front of children, eat cheese, and piss loudly
That man is giving Captain Hook pussy fart
by K boo 69 August 24, 2022
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A day where you can expose the pictures of an ex cast mate who looked ridiculous playing Captain Hook in Peter Pan jr.
I cant wait for National expose Captain Hook Day so i can expose andrew.
by rkamali07 May 3, 2020
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To hit one's self in the eye with one's bra
Dude, my girlfriend is such an idiot... she had to pull a "captain bra hook", and now she has to wear an eye-patch....
by the idiot-arse July 3, 2009
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Having a wank with on finger like capitan hooked , perfect for those with only 1 digit.
Oh James sort us out with" the captain hook" treatment . James said sorry not today I'm getting finger cramps
by Captain fuck. April 9, 2021
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The act of sticking your index finger into your anus, getting poop on finger, and digging your fingernail into your friends cheek leaving the poop in the hole.
Guy 1: Dude, did you hear what happened to Brad at the camp?

Guy 2: Yeah, I heard Sean gave him a Captain's hook!
by Dr cockcycle May 13, 2013
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a man, woman, shemale, tranny, or dog with a really curved penis, like Captain Hook's hand
When he pulled down his pants to initiate intercourse, she realized that he has a captain hook, thus had to turn 90 degrees to have sex.
by the rage March 24, 2015
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Captain’s Hook. The act of giving a male a hand job by curling one finger around the shaft of the penis. Therefore making the shape of a hook around the penis.
I gave Harley the best “Captain Hook” ever last night and he came everywhere.
by DingDongDaddy July 1, 2020
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