An overly emotional and/or dramatic person; a person who is always in some sort of emotional crisis. A soul bleeder is not the same as someone who is "emo" or "goth"; they are usually normal looking people; the type of person who writes sad poems to perform at open mic night, or someone who blogs about how every part of their day is a tragedy. A soul bleeder typically uses sympathy and/or guilt to ensure they are the constant center of attention.
"I was sitting on the front porch, in the middle of the night, and I collected my tears in a jar to give to you, to show you how much I miss you since you left me...."
- Soul Bleeder
by Ladypirate February 4, 2010
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inserting a piece of surgical tubing into the vagina and stapping the other end to the thigh so as to bleed off excessive air in the the pussy, hence cutting down the pussy farts.
I banged a chick last weekend that was so noisy she needed a bleeder valve.
by fetishknight May 12, 2006
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Noun. Verb

A penis that bleeds. Kind like a period but it happens one day a week mostly on a wednesday
Noun example :
September-"He's such a Weiner Bleeder"

Verb Example:
Mitchell-"Dude, I'm Weiner Bleeding today"
Kyle-"Awh man, I was Wenier Bleeding yesterday."
by KittySock October 15, 2009
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n. an individual characterized as being a strong democrat.
"Sarah Palin is so devout a democrat that when you cut her, elephants drop out."
"So that makes her an elephant bleeder?!"
by fluncenterin September 12, 2009
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a substance usualy a hard drugthat makes your brain bleed. tripple c will usualy do the trick.
man i was all up on those brain bleeders last night.
by shenzy July 15, 2008
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When a girl acts emotional, and has mood swings, all the time. It almost seems like it`s her `time of the month` all the time. In short, a total bitch and a bring-down.
Roger: Hey man, Shirley freaked today for no apparent reason.

Dominic: I know! What a 24/7 Bleeder!
by JABBAJ May 8, 2009
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when a person shoves a medal rod up a rabbits penis-hole,then pisses it out with chunks of flesh spewing into your mouth.
Man,Chris really gave Snowball a Huge Bunny Bleeder!!!!
by loiuytrfgtyhju December 28, 2009
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