Butt Pirate-someone that receives pleasure from taking it in the ass.
While at work today I noticed that TJ was being a BP.
by Casey S July 29, 2006
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BP is an acronym for "Booty Pic". This is when you sneak pictures of "the booty". In other words taking pictures like a creeper of someone's ass.
"Hey John see that girl over there? Get a BP of her." *John looks at the girl* "Steve." "Yes." WE'RE IN A FUCKING MALL STEVE." "And?" "BP's are better at Starbucks."
by TheCaffeinator February 12, 2015
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1. N. British Petroleum


1. The most recognized synonym for "Fuck"

2. N. Implying complete and utter confusion

3. N. a really stupid person

4. V. To procreate but have a ugly baby

5. Int. Expresses disgust

6. Int. Expresses complete suprise

7. v. to mess up, destroy, mangle, etc. (used with suffix -ed)
8. a general insult

9. v. to cover yourself in oil as to get sick. "Fuck yourself"
1. Oh BP me!

2. Go BP all over yourself.

3. he is soo BP'd.

4. BP you, asshole!

5. i don't give a BP.

6. BP yourself.

7. he BP'd up the car really badly.

8. He BP'd me in right in the ass!

9. Oh BP!
by Steve Ouch June 22, 2010
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the abbreviation for Baby Phat, a clothing line by Kimora Lee Simmons.
by Lil' E March 30, 2006
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A black person, use this term when your with other white people with some black people in the vacinity and don't want to say nigger, also good at school so you can't get in trouble.
I smell BP's, lets leave this KFC and get some arby's
by Nick Hr. September 17, 2006
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A big punk. Used to insult someone on a message board or at a show. Typically advertises their beliefs and feelings through ugly clothes and stage diving.
Unknownarmy16 is BP, dog. Check the liberty spikes.

LOL! I saw her in the food court eating Subway, way to support the system, Miranda.

by Michelle Gisele October 26, 2007
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