A president who goes politically inactive and turns to posting cool photos on his Instagram after their term, hoping to keep a very simple and positive perception.
After years of not helping the democratic party and standing on the sidelines, instagram president Obama has come back to endorse Joe Biden and stop Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination.
by ProbablyAHacher June 25, 2020
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Refers to an assistance-related question --- either a request for a favor or an offer to provide help yourself --- regarding a slightly "cranky" subject dat da person whom you're approaching might otherwise feel annoyed/embarrassed to be queried about; you therefore "soften the blow" by humorously "packaging" your question as a knock-knock joke, and using da first name of dat geeky-lookin' Prez wif da round-rimmed spectacles as da name of da "visitor" in da joke.
Here are da two “classic” ways dat ya would smilingly employ da “pince-nez president poser” to hopefully lessen da distress dat your listener would likely feel to be asked said question:
To ask da person for his assistance:
Knock, knock…”
”Who’s there?”
”Woodrow, who?”
“Woodrow be reasonably able to ___ for me sometime in da next few days?”
Or to offer da person your own assistance:
“Knock, knock…”
”Who’s there?”
”Woodrow, who?”
“Woodrow like me to ___ for you occasionally, if it’s reasonably convenient for both of us?”
by QuacksO November 5, 2018
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Benitez a giga chad that should win the election. He carries the Baylen Levine community. He is a very cool and mature person.
by Gigagigagigachad November 27, 2021
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A position of uselessness and voter fraud. all this fucking mail in voting make my friend win. this is scuffed
My friend is now class president because of voter fraud.
by Voter Fraud January 26, 2021
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The title of the first (to come) female president in The United States of America, "Bush" being a title referring to what makes her so unique and special and different from every other president in american history, the luscious unkept untrimmed bush between her strong female legs
"I was hoping Hillary Clinton would be the first President Bush!" Said american number 1. "You're mixing two different families!" Replied american number 2. "No!" Said american number 1. "I was referring to her thick hairy bush!"
by Mandasm May 24, 2022
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A nightmare. Not even gonna specify which Bush because they both were.
Me: President Bush was a war-loving butcher and failure of a president.

Hi: Which one?

Me: Both.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx July 27, 2020
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As the name suggests, "Holy Shit On A Shingle In The American President's Dick!," Is used to describe a holy piece of shit, blessed by a hooker, stuck on a shingle that was shoved up the American President's Dick hole, with the piece of shit still on the shingle.
President: "Hey! Look at my Dick!"

Person 1: "Holy Shit On A Shingle In The American President's Dick! There's a holy piece of shit on a shingle in the American President's dick hole!"

Person 2: "Hey... There is a holy piece of shit on a shingle in the American President's dick Hole! That's proper word use!"
by 0hsh1t December 25, 2022
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