When someone looks like you copied them and pasted them and made them bestfriends. usually used towards white utah blonde girls.
Guy: hey jake did you see cates new tiktok with emma. they look like they just double it and pass it to the next person.
Jake: do they really look that similar?
Guy: yeah they're blonde white utah girls.
by tylersvelo January 5, 2023
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it means that someone is asking if they should use explosives on the hospital near them.
p-1: i have a bunch of c4 bombs, should i bomb the hospital next to my house?
p-2: yes, you probably should
by solar80434 April 7, 2023
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These six words can be described into one word - clickbait.

They guarantee millions of views from people with 1.5x more IQ than the producer at the smartest. They try to trick low-IQ viewers (which there are a lot of them) into thinking that they are smart.
A car crashed, but you'll never guess what happens next
by Power476 December 17, 2020
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The art of staying one step ahead without revealing your strategic plans. However, it's usually used as justification for your stupid ass idea.
Carlson: why did you burn our diamonds in lava?
Dave: never let them know your next move
by nycdoggo September 4, 2023
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When you hear this, it means someone is requesting to put their face next to your butt-hole.
Whenever Jimi Hendrix used the phrase on stage, the bassist would launch a scorching fart in his face. He claimed it helped him "think outside the box."
At the wedding reception, when Mandy asked John to "let me stand next to your fire!" she didn't realize he had been holding in gas since the toast. He unleashed a furious wind upon her, lashing her hair back, and singeing off her eyebrows and nose hair. She pretended to be offended, but the clarity of mind was all that she had hoped for, and more.
by Sir Richard Branson February 14, 2008
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A game that consists of posing the question: "Who would you rather sit next to on a bus?" Then two options are provided, fictional characters, prominent figures, or acquaintances. The person(s) who the question then selects from the choices and then poses a new scenario. Different scenarios are possible but is usually that the bus ride is of medium duration of length, too long to go without acknowledging the other parties presence, but too short to create a meaningful bonding experience.
Who would you rather sit next to on a bus? . . .
Rep. Joe Wilson or the cast of the Jersey Shore?
Charlie Sheen or Emilio Estevez?
Oliver Cromwell or Andrew Jackson?
by public_transportation_fan January 9, 2010
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