Usually used to describe something that was a fantastic action or just a cool thing mostly used by people with the name Tucker and let’s be honest that is quite a god tier name.
Wow that was a God tier play Tucker
Egg wars is a God tier game
by The bromenment November 22, 2021
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A term that describes a wristwatch that represents the epitome of horological mastery, superiority, and prestige, such as Casio and Rolex.
Person A: "What do ya think of my new God Tier watch?"

Person B: "Take that fuckin piece of shit Hublot and shove it up your arse! Your parents...need - fuckin to re-raise you!"
by ihatetrucksandicantread June 12, 2022
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find god was a phrase that Kanye west told to an employee for being late and not finishing his part at the 10th studio album of Kanye west named Donda which is a tribute to his late mother. You can use find god when someone tilts you especially in a game like league of legends when you don't want to get permanently banned
Person 1: jg diff man uninstall
Person 2: find god imbecile
by Alpha As Fuck negros June 25, 2022
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A GT is a person who likes to top any story you happen to tell him. Rather than being opportunistic and topping a story after hearing your story, the God-topper will ask a series of questions setting himself up to top your story.
Every time I tell Jim a story he tells me a story trying to top my story. Frank is a God-Topper, he gets you to tell him a story just to top it after.

Ex 2 Topper
Frank-“Hey Jim did I ever tell you about the time we went to the bar and got sick and threw up”

J.- “That’s crazy! Did I ever tell YOU about the time we went to the bar and all of us got sick and threw up on the bartender? Then the police came and slipped on the barf and fell to the ground Jim did I ever tell you about the time we went to the bar and got sick and threw up”They dropped their guns. A bullet hit my friend but he was okay!”

Ex3 Godtopper


Hey have you ever gone to the bar and gotten sick?


“Totally, Ya I have! Did I ever tell you about the time we went to the bar and got sick and threw up”.


J.- “That’s crazy! Did I ever tell YOU about the time we went to the bar and all of us got sick and threw up on the bartender? Then the police came and slipped on the barf and fell to the ground Jim did I ever tell you about the time we went to the bar and got sick and threw up”They dropped their guns. A bullet hit my friend but he was okay!”
by The Book of Grimy -Dizzle July 25, 2022
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Amy Grant is an adultress who is a cancer on Christianity
Amy Grant, the queen of Christian pop music, cheated on her first husband. Vincent Gil and this demonic whore both committed adultery and divorced their spouses. God sent Amy Grant to hell for her heathen behavior. Amy's fans plea with her to repent, but the demonic Sandi Patty advised her to continue her sinful lifestyle. Sandi and Amy love deceiving their Christian fans with their Satanic lyrics.
by queensburykid September 2, 2022
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A mortal who is worshipped as a god & may have became a god, in the afterlife.
(e.g: 'There were many Roman Emperors who claimed to be a human god').

(Note: SImilar phrases to human god include avatar, deitykin, godkin, demigod, proto-god, divinity, daemon (not demon), ascended master & apotheosized mortal).
by Diana_Lucius_De_Collis July 11, 2023
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