Jan is a ginger. He thinks he can sing but he cant. He lost his virginity when he was 13.
Person 1: "whats ur name"
Person 2: "jan"
Person 1: "ew"
by Marak grlic November 21, 2021
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Er ist voll der Jan.
by Cybertec January 28, 2022
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1. A short term for January
2. A unisex name
Usually, a wise person, although sometimes oblivious to things. Very sweet and caring, a loyal friend.
by are you dum October 4, 2018
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"wow i really want to get pegged by jan!"
by blyke January 25, 2022
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A German term that originated in the northern regions of Hamburg that refers to erratic and often "trainwreck" style behavior from a middle aged man. A Jan can take on many forms, but often appears in the form of coffee addiction, intern harassment, STD spread, an inflated sense of convenience, and child like aversion to common things such as balloons, rubber bands, cilantro, and condoms.
How was your weekend man? It was pretty wild I pulled a Jan, might have gotten fired, definitely didn't sleep, and now my intern won't return my texts.
by Jewsian Ancestry September 26, 2022
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A Jan is basically a synonym of a Ted. You will find him as one of the kindest-hearted being on earth. We are talking here about a very funny person that has amazing listening skills.

However, and that is what makes him similar to a Ted, a Jan is in the perpetual quest for his beloved one. Usually, when he is certain to have found her, a Jan will most likely Ted her (or Jan her, if you follow) by wanting to go too far too quick with the person.
Natasha: "Hi"
Jan: "Hi, I find you really attractive and smart, I love you and want to raise my kids with you and your family in a pretty English garden"
Natasha: (HELP)

Natasha has just been Janed
by Kersheh November 23, 2021
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