When someone needs attention so bad that they don't listen to other people whatsoever because they are so involved with themselves.
Kayli: Yeah so I-
Sarah:... *whispers to Kayli* What an attention whore
by NotSarah_hehe April 12, 2019
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Methamphetamine induced state that causes an inability to maintain focus or attention for more than a few seconds to minutes at a time.
Yo man, you need to lay off the shit because your attention deficit meth disorder (ADMD) is annoying as hell, fool.
by 1 Antinome November 8, 2018
If you read this ya you need to chill the fuck out and don't give a shitee.If you do care just don't save yourself the trouble of intensifying screaming like a little bitch you fk Self Center Crawing For Attention Toxic Boi awe so sweet.remeber chill the fk out and stop causing a karen attitude.
Friend:Yo bro why tf that guy has a dark auro surrounding him
Me:Oh his a little bitch born a bitch ass and will die as a bitch ass
Friend:Well Said
Me:I know haha the true meaning of a Self Center Crawing For Attention Toxic Boi awe so sweet
by BadComputer September 4, 2023
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the extreme or irrational fear that a pair of pants from your closet will gain sentience and be able to walk on its own.
Mason: dude why do you lock your closet door?
Gio: what if my pants unhang themselves in the middle in the night and watch me while I sleep?

mason: thats the most extreme and (or) irrational fear I've ever heard of...
Gio: I have Attentive Trouser Phobia ever since that one episode of jimmy neutron.
by Gio_At_Nite August 7, 2022
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uses twitter, instagram, tiktok, probably tumblr. part of lgbtq+. wants a nose piercing. begs for attention continuously.
damn bitch you really got that not enough attention at home syndrome huh? that why you want a nose piercing?
by blayz00 September 20, 2020
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The person that delivers a presentation and it's all about them rather than the subject expected. They talk about themselves, their background, what they have done, what they do, or their successes. They miss the point and don't leave anyone with anything useful. Instead they are needy and seeking attention, affirmation, or positive feedback.
They just spoke about themselves, and nothing else on topic, they were such an attention speaker!
by Jamesy Wamsey September 6, 2023
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