1. People of African-American descent that take it as their job to pester the white ones about slavery and all other things concerning ebony. See: Black History Month.

2. Black people used mostly when playing a verson of Where's Waldo in the urban areas.
For every black person you see, there's five niggas you don't see.
by Probably Not Racsist March 23, 2008
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you just been niggaed biotch!
by tracy January 18, 2005
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What’s up nigga
Nigga you got shit
I will bust your ass nigga
a word you can not use without a nigga card from real niggas
by Rlg April 8, 2019
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Something I would get my assed kicked for saying.
Me: "Hey, Nigga."

-Ends up in a terrible fight.-
by Mikea__Robriguess April 30, 2015
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"Hey Bernard, look at that NIGGA! He sho got his head on straight!"
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A best friend, homey, or any close aquaintance
Guy #1: Wat up my nigga?
Guy #2: Nothin just chillin nigga.
Guy #3: Oh, that's wats up.
by Munch16 August 4, 2007
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Your Best Friend, someone who's like a brother to you
What up my niggas (What's up my friend)

My nigga. (My Friend)
by BTNH2468 May 1, 2010
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