Blow job, fellatio, oral sex:

The act of giving head to a man …….

And making it to the ball 😏😁
“Last night was fun …..I got jiggy with my lady and it ended with the best Cinderella BJ ever”
by Miss_De_Meaner January 21, 2023
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The art of getting a blow job where the girl goes all the way down and blows out like a whales blowhole releasing air and saliva.
My girlfriend was sucking my dick blew so hard she gave me an orca bj
by jasam February 21, 2014
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MILF of the main line.

Verb: A mother that fucks her daughter's boyfriends.
Yea she 'BJ Spencer'd' me
by Chris Condo January 23, 2011
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The sidekick to Supernova, he was named by her after he came to her after lunch with his awesome ability to charm her and pose with her.
BJ COOLEST GUY EVER is so frickin awesome, it's just can't resist him for some reason, what charm!!
by Nynja Boy July 28, 2010
When someone offers a bj at a future time but renegs on said bj multiple times at the receivers request prompting a "no holes barred" event in which the receiver can have free reign over said holes for 24 hours.
She giveth and she taketh away. Sounds like a bad faith bj, bro.
by Koobkram September 18, 2023
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The act of receiving a blowjob whilst on a cliff or in a mountainous region.
Rick: 'Yo did you hear that Mark one was getting sucked off again last night'

Bryan: 'probably a Larne BJ giving his cragged surroundings'
by Jnrrpg June 30, 2010
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A blowjob in which you use way too much teeth
Dude, that girl gave me a skinner bj, it wasn't even good anymore
by Hermione444 February 3, 2020
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