a big ass bow thing made out of ribbons,
that you get for homecoming from your date.
ronny gave me the best home made mum ever!
by boooobca. March 19, 2009
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Ur mum a fat stinking slag and so are you i will chop both you fat pricks up. You tranny cunt.
Ur mums a dirty herion taking slag.
by English are trannys December 12, 2021
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the way people say "mom" in england
by tatomuck1n November 26, 2008
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A 'mum' is someone who is there to love and care for-after all, she gave life to you and supports you through thick and thin. She is a beautiful lady to love and to respect for all your life. No matter how much you say you hate her, she will always have a place in your heart. She cooks, cleans, washes, buys clothes, puts a roof over your head, and many people repay their mum by calling her 'bitch', 'cow', 'whore', 'slut', like she is something they scraped of their shoe. I love my mum and have a HUGE space in my heart for her. Everyone loves their mum and has a place in their heart for her.
by Jedicatedmiss November 21, 2011
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Mass Useless Messaging Syndrome

If you are ugly, have no friends, and cannot adequately conduct yourself in social situations, then you will seek out acceptance via non-personal forms of communication to construct a facade to dupe passers-by that you do have friends based on the number of vibrations one receives after sending multiple short messages hoping for the same number of responses, ergo the same number of vibrations-an audible symbol many associate with friendship.
Dave has a terrible case of the MUMS.
by Michael GWSB May 9, 2010
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This person is gay
Mum is gay
by Mumistriplegay February 12, 2018
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"That test mums."
"That test was insignificant."
by Whit Smith February 6, 2005
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