A sweatshirt with a hood and normally a large pocket at the front, which is useful for storing sweets, washing pegs, and ipods, as well as keeping the hands warm. It is shower/ drizzle proof and is therefore popular with people who dislike carrying umbrellas, because of its accessible hood. This very comfortable, practical garment can be worn by both genders and all ages. Guide to how to wear it:
>75F-Round your waist
65-75F with shorts
45-65F with trousers, preferably jeans
<45F under a coat
I was getting cold just sitting in the shade, so I put my hoodie on.
by Annonnimoose February 26, 2008
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The penultimate article of clothing. Following the lead are jeans.

Hoodies are another name for "hooded sweatshirt." While all hoodies sport stomach pockets, some hoodies are zipped and some aren't. Does it matter? It shouldn't.
"d00d, ph33r t3h NiNj4 h00di3."
by [str33t NiNj4] December 28, 2004
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A clitoral hood piercing that enhances female pleasure during sexual activity. Guys, this is the straight shit here, if your woman wants one, say yes. You won't be disappointed, and more importantly, neither will she.
Girl 1: I got a hoody today, and my boyfriend wants to see it.

Girl 2: Nice, mind if I borrow it sometime?

Girl 1: Not that kind of hoody

Girl 2: Not that kind of...ohh, THAT kind of hoody?

Girl 1: <smiles>
by Bulldog6 April 11, 2010
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The female analogue to the male "woody". So called for the physical reaction to sexual arousal in some woman wherein the prepuce of clitoris (hood) pulls back. Although not common in breeder parlance, the term hoody is gaining popularity in the queer community.
That girl we met at the softball game tottaly gave me a hoody.

Naw, she didnt make me wet, but I popped a hoody the moment she walked in the room.
by NrkeyQueer May 24, 2006
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I nickname for the sexiest person you will ever see. This nickname can only be givin to someone who is ultimately just plain out hot
Have you seen hoodie today? He looks so hot 🥵
by Ur step sis May 5, 2020
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The greatest piece of clothing ever created, and somthing your significant other always wants to barrow
Jenny: can a barrow your hoodie it's freezing

Ben: w-what....um sure..
- That night Ben froze, and Jenny never gave back his hoodie -
by DinosaurArtist January 15, 2019
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