A small private university, filled with kids that represent the "TU special" or an odd collection of people who were too good to go to state schools. The school also possesses one of the creepiest school mascots costumes in Division 1a athletics. The school is generally considered to over-priced and its students arrogant assholes.
Drew: Hey guys! I'm the TU special, but im also a part of ka!

Jacob: so your socially handicapped?

Drew: Yea You Know it! But thanks to the university of tulsa my troubles will continue!
by mliferjw May 4, 2009
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when you and all your friends get naked, cover each other in Vaseline or lube, and squirm around in a bathtub together
Friend 1: hey man, sorry I couldn't make it to the party
Friend 2: no worries, but you did miss out on the Tulsa Slugfest we had
Friend 1: oh so sorry about that, but I didn't have any Vaseline so I couldn't have taken part
by battlesalmon April 21, 2021
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when three or more men run around a woman while simultaneously urinating on her face
When Pat and his seven roommates came over last night I had the highest class tulsa golden hurricane of my life.
by Show me your tits November 18, 2009
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When a woman faces a fan that is on "hi" speed while a dude pisses through the back of said fan
After banging away in bed for hours, Jenny was hot and begging for a tulsa golden hurricane.
by JohnnyRed1974 January 7, 2008
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A man who no matter what woman he fucks, he gets her pregnant. His ball bag will always provide the gift of life.
Krystal: I may have made a mistake last night. I slept with that new Russian guy.

Karen: Are you out of your mind. He has a Tulsa gift bag.
by Drpun May 20, 2009
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The act of two males and one female. The female will lay face up, while the males face opposite directions and "tiddy fuck". Thus the two dicks are sliding in different directions past one another causing a "traffic jam" of penis activity. There is also the chance of a "head on" collision.
Dude, yesterday this girl let me and Jeff do a Tulsa Titty Fuck!
by Tulsakid April 28, 2010
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A sexual act/position that is used in public places while having sex with a prostitute or a friend.
I walked around the corner to see bob doing the tulsa trash can on your mom.
by greg nut March 14, 2015
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