There's the vagina, and then there's the A-gina.
Bend over and let me give you one up the A-gina.
by bigguycom September 10, 2009
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Hardcore clubbing whore. Talks loudly. From an European background. Plasters on orange consealor, applys white cover up to lips. Chills on "Gino hill" in Canadas Wonderland then goes to Timmies in her boy friends civic.
Known to say;
"I wear tight azz parasuco jeanz,and lil belly topz,and im not taller then my boyfriend,
I live in Brampton,and i know solid guyz in woodbridge,
I go to colossus at least 2 timez a week,
and i drive my daddyz GSR!!!
i dont know anything about anything, but im certain that im good.
I wear adidaz/nike shoez almost everywhere i go.
i believe in everything tight at clubz,not baggy shit
i wear DIESEL.........not FUBU
i wear my clubgear everywhere i go.
im a loud mouth and not afraid to admit it, and yez my boyfriend wearz flarez and spendz more time on hiz hair then i do.
ginaz are the solidest brawdz,the FIRST ones to point out that some1 iz brutal..and the BEST dressed regardlezz of where they go.
And i pronounce it "All kynz", not "all kinds" when asked "were there any solid guyz at the club?"
I can proudly show dat im a gina by sitting in the front seat of my boyfriendz civic
acting like a prissy hoe iz mandatory
going to coffee shopz IZ a daily occurance.
our music iz,dance,freestyle,techno,tran ce,house and EURO
and stevie b IZ the best of all freestylerz.
Z-103.5 iz our station
and yez we use GLOWSTICKZ when we dance 2 our music
GINAZ are the sexiest bitchez
the FIRST chickz to start a catfight
and the BEST of brampton

"EvErY GiNa NeEdS a GiNo"

"LoVe Me? MiNt
HaTe Me? EvEn B3tTer
GuE$s WhAt? I g33v3 largely"

Geeve- Pronounced Gu-E-Ve
by Amanda Sasso August 2, 2006
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In Toronto and the greater GTA a gina is the opisite of a gino. A girl usually of Italian desent that tries very hard to be cool. Often found wearing tight clothes, listening to gino beats, giving head, and looking "hot" in their boyfriend's civic.
Do you listen to beats??
Ew, do I look like a Gina to you??
by Lorie December 8, 2004
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To urinate on one's self. The act can occur during laughter or fear.
She just pulled a Gina and now it looks like her legs cried.
by The KY Dude January 30, 2014
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My baby, my one true love. The girl that was meant to be with Daniel forever.
Gina and Daniel will get married and live happily ever after.
by Ragol August 27, 2008
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Gina is a hard working girl. She is the best person you will ever meet because she will be there for you just like you were for her. If you like her and she don’t love you back it’s ok because people could have feelings it’s human nature. If you have a Gina in your life don’t let her go she is the best thing you will ever find in this planet.
Gina means the world to me cause she is such a good person
by Pig Malone June 12, 2019
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The cutest girl ever. So sweet and beautiful. Perfect in anyone’s eyes and puts a smile on anyone’s face. Makes sams life so much better. Worlds best lover. The best babygirl.
Gina is Sam's babygirl
by Samclements13 December 15, 2019
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