
To have a secret place Of your Own imagination
I survived because of my wonderland
by Allie the secret July 16, 2015
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A shitty nightclub in Sutton Croydon for under 18s where boys try to 'control' girls but fail miserably and flat assed girls try to shake the non existant meat on their bones.
"You going wonderland tonight?"
"Nah, if you go wonderland you're trash"
by Melaninnn.x April 13, 2017
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A shitty nightclub for under 18s in Sutton, Croydon often filled with boys who think they can 'control' girls and flat-assed girls who try too hard to shake their non- existent meat.
"You going wonderland tonight?"
"Nah if you go wonderland you're trash"
by Melaninnn.x April 13, 2017
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Your body, as stated by The Genius Known as John Mayer
"And if you want love, we'll make it
Swim in a deep sea of blankets
Take all your big plans, and break 'em
This is bound to be awhile
Your Body is a Wonderland"
by zdancer December 16, 2004
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a place to dream and be in a nonrealistic situation
I'm drifting off to wonderland
by Alice <3 April 20, 2005
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A beautiful place that can only be visited through drugs (weed does not count). Everything you see is bright and vivid, and more euphoric than any sober person could ever imagine. Black and white are non-existant in wonderland, because they contrast all the other colors. When you are in wonderland you are not aware of it, you're too distracted by the amazing things you're seeing to even realize you're in a different world. You cannot comprehend so much as the idea of "reality". Wonderland can only be seen on drugs because the human mind is not capable of experiencing such an incredible place without assistance. It's one of the many reasons you actually should use drugs.
Last night I was in wonderland and I saw a zebra with all different color stripes.
by dfghbtrtrttttpoop June 25, 2009
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A medical condition in which a guys balls seem to climb upward. The opposite of testicular retraction.
Yeah, he was sent to the hospital with Wonderlandism. He said he was in a lot of pain, by the time they got him in the ER his balls were practially on the cieling!
by ISpelledDrCooRight December 23, 2009
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