The only wrong ingredient in Chex Mix
Ug what are these pretzels doing in here?

I know man, Chex Mix is so much better without them.
by Burnt pancake April 16, 2008
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The pretzel was already released once in the United States. Its mission was to assassinate President George W. Bush. Unfortunately, the attempt failed.

It's a little embarrassing to admit that a snack food almost improved the world.
by RaVNzCRoFT April 2, 2007
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i.Dubya boy's worst nightmare and what will hopefully be his maker some other day.
ii. One of the countless demonstrations of
dubya's cluelessness.
i.(sreaming in his sleep) Please, no! Please, not the pretzel, nooo! (Wakes up)
Almost got me that time.
ii. Do you really need an example for that?
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An evildoer in the eyes of Der Fuhrer, George Bush
chkt cough cough immm huh chuh(choking)
by Ryan February 9, 2005
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A kinky sex position generally involving four or more people.
"Wow, that pretzel was amazing"

"Yeah, I had a pretzel with your mother last night"
by Prof. Yensaix April 1, 2009
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1) Anti-George-Bush snack, Bush killer

2)The best salty food in the world
1) The Islams bombed the White House and Pentagon with hundreds of pretzels in hope that Bush would choke again.

by redbeam October 27, 2009
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A sexual/masturbation position in which a woman reaches down and thrusts both fists into her two key pelvic orifices, crossing her arms in a manner not visually dissimilar to that of a baked savoury snack; or pretzel, if you will.
Anya couldn't walk properly because she had spent the whole night doing it pretzel style.
by JedwardWalbriston March 23, 2012
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