pedosexual is a pedophile thats not in LGBTQ, a pedophile troll that tries to make LGBTQ look bad and they rape kids, pedosexual is not a gender in LGBTQ at all, its just when someone is sick in the head
person 1: im a pedosexual.
person 2: no youre not because pedosexuals dont exist youre just a filthy pedophile
by anons15 May 31, 2019
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A made up word that sick pervs use to justify wanting to have sex with children. Only the most sick and twisted people use this word.
Andy thinks that it is perfectly fine to want to screw children and calls himself a pedosexual.
by P-jfan February 6, 2005
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a term used for people who are attracted to children. different from pedophiles because pedosexuals have never touched a child.
pedosexuals live by the code "look but don't touch"
by kaliman248 March 5, 2011
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A piece of udder human garbage who likes to molest and rape children while saying they are a false and bullshit identity to hide the fact that they are pedophiles and should be put in prison.
Rob: Oh hey I am in the LGBT+ community
Jim: Oh really? What is your sexuality
Rob: I'm a pedosexual
Jim: Oh do you mean you are a piece of shit that molests kids?
by PedosexualsDeserveNoRespect September 27, 2020
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An adult who is sexually attracted to children. Pedosexuality is a common sexual orientation the world over, but is by no means as common as like-age attraction. Pedosexual tendencies can be identified in virtually everyone, but are discouraged due to Puritan-influenced attitudes about sex that endure to this day.

A minority of pedosexuals are exclusively attracted to children, while the majority are either "happily married" or "celibate." Ideal professions for pedosexual individuals include: Guidance Counselor, Gym Teacher, Priest/Youth Minister, Senator, Pop Star, Party Clown, Santa Claus (Seasonal), and Elementary School Principal.

Slang terms for pedosexual include: pedophile and pedobear.
Margaret always watched Junior Gymnastics in the nude because she was a pedosexual.
by Paula Deen, Ya'll! June 29, 2013
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A fancy word for "Pedophilia". They want to get into the LGBTQ community so badly, but they're not accepted as one. They need to go see therapy instead of turning it into a sexuality.
Person 1: I heard my cousin is pedosexual...
Person 2: Maybe don't contact them ever again
by tropicalskies December 30, 2021
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An excuse by pedophiles made to try to fit in with LGBTQ+, when in actuality, pedosexuals are infact criminals.s
Man 1: What is your sexuality?
Man 2: I'm pedosexual.
Man 1: Leave my house and die in a dumpster fire, you pedofile.
by The Terraria Guy June 27, 2021
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