A word used to describe one who is an ill motherfucker at playing guitar; a righteous badass guitar player.
Hey Jasper, that bongonian was so manny at the guitar. Damn, bongonians these days... they can play the hell out of the guitar. That shit's chronic, he must get a lot of whores.
by Twisty Noodles March 4, 2004
There goes Manny the dumbass nigga
by banana catcher February 21, 2020
He’s an amazing guy that will make you forget about the tough things you’ve been through and are going through. He will stop everything just make sure you’re happy and will do anything to make you smile. Even though he’s there for everyone and will do anything for anyone not many take the time for him and that’s why it’s important to realize what you have in front of you because Manny is an amazing person to have in your life. Manny is the most funniest, outgoing, and cute boy you will ever meet. If you have a Manny in your life then don’t even lose him because you will regret it in life - Blue 💙
by Blue 💙 April 12, 2019
A person who appears in your life one day and changes you forever. A manny will accept you for who you are and love every bit of you to your rawest edge. You'll wonder where the hell have you been all my life
manuel love amazing awesome funny sweet caring
manuel love amazing awesome funny sweet caring
Manny is a doll!
by surf1234 May 14, 2019
A piercing on a man that is gauged big enough so he can have another mans penis in it. A pierced dick hole on a gay man.
by MaddHatter88 March 25, 2009
Englishman - have u got a nanny
American - Yes
Englishman - I'm getting a Manny
American - what's that?
Englishman - A Male Nanny
American - Yes
Englishman - I'm getting a Manny
American - what's that?
Englishman - A Male Nanny
by H.M.S-English March 1, 2009
Mannys are very caring and loving but can shatter your heart into a million pieces. Don’t be alarmed if he fingers you.
by The Urban Panda October 15, 2017