Red neck mysogynst douche bags whose fans are as obese as their singer is.
Ryan Penneys and Billy Eck are goobers, no wonder they love Limp Bizkit
by Peter Parker November 14, 2003
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A band which is the subject of yet another pathetically fanboyish urbandictionary controversy over which band/genre is better.

You know what, why don't both sides just fucking lie down and die already? It really is goddamn pathetic that you place so much of your time into this pointless conflict.
Limp Bizkit fanboy: OMG, Limp Bizkit r teh bestz0r!1shift
Limp Bizkit hater: OMG liek Limp Bizkit r teh shitz0r!1shift
Anyone with a brain: just shut the fuck up, you cowardly idiots.
by Lord of the Pies May 12, 2006
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a penis that cannot stand erect
nate had a limp bizkit from masturbating too much
by urje March 19, 2004
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This IS the poser band who's name SHOULD have been 'Wimp Bizquick' !!!
Wimp Bizquick blow's more dick as a band than there guitar player did to Fred D.
by Alibastard March 21, 2003
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explicit? HAHAHAHAH, listen to some Anaal Nathrakh or Anal Cunt, n00b
limp bizkit aren't the shit, they are just plain shit.
by mm, digestives June 28, 2003
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1) The act where a group of males sit in a circle and jack off in front of a biscuit. Each one cums on the biscuit. The one who either doesn't or cums last has to eat the biscuit.

2) A rap/rock band that was formed in the mid nineties by a bunch of talentless faggots who some how in this world were able to get a record deal and sell out shows. They band can often be found enjoying homosexual acts with one another or stage and love to promote gay pride. Their name is really limp dickshit but the idiotic teen fanbase can't read anyways so they don't give a shit.
Has anyone found it ironic the band named themselves after an act that includes a group of men in a circle mastubating?
by Shadow0fDeath July 2, 2004
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A band who has fans that speak about percentages when their percentage adds up to 102%. Limp Bizkit's second album, entitled Significant Other, was OK, but after that, all of their songs sounded like shit. Likely because the lead singer liked to actually eat shit. Currently, as of this writing, Limpbizkit, as they are now called (fucktards), is seeking a new guitarist. Their one requirement is that the new band member be of Asian decent. Why? Because aZns are mad phat, yo!
Jim: 'Limpbizkit fuckin sucks, hey Bob?'
Bob: 'Fuckin A, Jim!'
by Bitchin Kitchen May 30, 2003
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