Pertaining to a person of the female gender, existing with peculiar facial features. These features include sphinxters for eyes, a penis nose, pertruding from the face, and a sideways vagina as a mouth. The top of the head in covered in pubes, as opposed to actual hair, and typically, little or no dialogue is spoken.
Wow, I wish I was a brown eyed girl. I would be able to insert my nose penis into either; one of my sphinxter eyes of my vagina mouth. That would be the life, I'd never leave the house!
by Roofus the Stunt Bum March 9, 2008
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When a shit coming out of one's ass is so long that it has amassed at the bottom of the toilet bowl and grown to the surface like a volcanic island emerging from the Pacific Ocean. The shit keeps coming in one long continuous poop like when a soft serve ice cream machine has a faulty handle. Eventually, to prevent the growing glop of excrement from pressing the buttocks from below, the person has to lift their ass off the toilet seat and rotate and hover their butt cheeks over this watery porcelain pit to let the brownie rope coil onto the steaming lump with as low a profile as possible. Though the shit is obviously dropping downward, the turd snake appears to be rising slowly from the toilet bowl, mesmerized by the slowly swirling ass, and burying it's head into that hypnotic brown eye from which it came.
Ben: "Dudes, I just took a shit that was so long that the top of it comes 5 inches above the waterline. I even made it curly-Q'ed like an ice cream cone from Dairy Queen."
Charley: "Damn, man! Your ass is a brown-eyed snake charmer!"
by theinstigator September 16, 2016
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Sex with a woman in three holes (last being the ass) on a par 5 on a golf course.
I was in Roanoke Va last weekend and I give this chick a brown eyed eagle, her goat fucking husband has no idea.
by dogrunwv April 23, 2009
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a mans dick or womans dildo after ramming it up there ass or sumone elses
all these gay people all have brown eyed touser snakes exspecially jamie who has jus a plain borwn trouser snake
by bob February 18, 2004
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When a lover removes his anus and touches it to his significant-other's forehead. This ritual can be done either out of love or aggression. A little known fact is that this ritual inspired Van Morrison to write a song with it's namesake.
My girlfriend was being annoying so I gave her the "Kiss Of The Brown-Eyed Girl"
by DaBrochachos July 8, 2019
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a corn-studded shit; any visually or texturally interesting poop

usage is normally paired with references to the toilet as some sort of natural body of water or swimming hole.
sorry to interrupt, but i gotta go return a corn-eyed brown trout to the porcelain pond.
by Dontcallme Illcallyou November 13, 2009
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a large turd with corn in it, usually left in a public bathroom for the next unsuspecting person.
by bheron June 29, 2006
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